• Notify for iPhone

Notify by Facebook

Notifications that matter from the sources you love

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Notifications are becoming one of the primary ways people first learn about things wherever they are. Today we are introducing Notify, a new app from Facebook that delivers timely notifications about the things that matter to you, from the sources you love, all in one place.

“This is one of the best new apps I’ve seen Facebook build.” – New York Times
“This is true innovation in a new and important evolving territory.” – Buzzfeed
“This is genius. Did we say how much we love this?” – Huffington Post
“You guys have solved a problem for media companies and their apps here, all while making a great new experience clear to people.” – Showtime
“We were thinking of shutting down our app but were worried about notifications. We’re not worried anymore.” – Thrillist
“We have moved away from building our own apps but had a major hole for notifications. You just solved it for us.” – Condé Nast

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